Monday, September 16, 2019

Texas Holdem Techniques - 6 Techniques For Using Calling To Win More Easily

Texas Holdem Techniques - 6 Techniques For Using Calling To Win More Easily
There are many specific Texas Holdem techniques that you can use mid game to win more easily. In this article I am going to discuss specific calling techniques that will do this for you, so take a look now.
Calling is both overrated yet underutilized. Personally, I hate calling. But when it comes to winning more easily and making more money, well, I'll do it.
I'm going to out-line the several Texas Holdem techniques I specifically implement to use calling to win more.
Texas Holdem Techniques - How To Use Calling To Win More (And Lose Less)
Limping first up - don't do it. I hate calling the big blind however calling another raise or raises pre flop is sometimes the better then re-raising.
I will use a call to stop a re-raising war. Once there have been two or three re-raises I'll just call to prevent myself from having to pot commit.
When I am in pre-flop, in late position, and have OK cards, and there is some movement on the table, I will call to get to the flop to see where I stand.
When you are out of position, checking and then calling an opponent can quickly can put him off and give you the real control at the next round. If he doesn't have a great hand he will think you do and you can use a continuation bet to force him to fold.
If you have a great hand that is a shoe-in to win (like a four of a kind) you can call all the way to the river to ensure you don't scare your opponent off. Although you need to make sure that you jack up the pot before it ends - I like to fake that I'm bluffing and all in.
It's a good basic strategy to call when you are on a draw. That's because you don't know if you are indeed going to make your hand so you in fact have little strength. The real benefit though is that when you call you remove the possibility of your re-raise being re-raised.
The Texas Holdem techniques I have shared with you today are for calling and how to use calling to win more easily. Calling is my favorites move but there are definitely times when it is indeed the best move to make. Before you continue on to learn more, have a think about the situations you like to call in.